Do you remember The Jerk, a 1979 movie comedy? In the movie, Navin R. Johnson (played by Steve Martin) is thrilled to find that his name is listed in the local phone book.
Since the release of the book “Precision Conservation: Geospacial Techniques for Agricultural and Natural Resources Conservation” I find myself relating to this movie. It is not that I am mentioned in the book, but my name is mentioned along with so many precision conservation superstars.
The book consists of 17 chapters, each chapter written by leading researchers who highlight a specific aspect of precision conservation. The book covers topics including terraces, wildlife, irrigation, water quality markets, and manure management.
This book makes a strong case for conservation planners and practitioners to avail themselves of modern GIS, GPS, and decision support tools already accessible for other agronomic practices… These geospatial technologies are fast becoming mainstream tools in conservation planning, assessment and implementation. At the same time, these technologies are enabling collaboration across silos of divergent expertise in conservation and precision agronomic practices including irrigation and drainage.
This book should be one of the essential references in your conservation library. You can order the book here.
Oh, and make sure you check out pages 376 and 377. I’m in print! And things are going to start happening to me now.
Congratulations on being part of a book that is far more important and will remain important for far longer than any phone book.
Cindy, thank you.